Understanding Specific Pricing
The System offers tremendous versatility with respect to setting the Selling Price. Apart from the Pricing Slabs and Pricing Bands, you also have the ability to set a Specific Selling Price for any Customer or Sub-Reseller. The Specific Pricing overrides the Pricing Slab / Pricing Band based pricing for that Product. If you set a Specific Pricing for any of your Customers or Sub-Resellers, then irrespective of the Slab / Band that your Customer or Sub-Reseller is in, the Specific Pricing will always be applied, until removed.
Specific Pricing overrides:
the Telescopic Pricing set for your Customers for the Domain Registration Product.
both Telescopic Pricing for Customers and Pricing Bands for Sub-Resellers for the Web Services Product.
both Telescopic Pricing for Customers and Pricing Bands for Sub-Resellers for the Single Domain Linux Hosting Product.
both Telescopic Pricing for Customers and Pricing Bands for Sub-Resellers for the Single Domain Windows Hosting Product.
pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Multi Domain Linux Hosting Product.
pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Multi Domain Windows Hosting Product.
pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Reseller Linux Hosting Product.
pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Reseller Windows Hosting Product.
pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Enterprise Email Lite Product.
Additional InformationSetting Telescopic Pricing for Domain Registration for your Customers
Setting Telescopic Pricing for your Customers and Pricing Bands for Sub-Resellers for Web Services
Setting Pricing for your Customers and Sub-Resellers for Multi Domain Linux Hosting
Setting Pricing for your Customers and Sub-Resellers for Multi Domain Windows Hosting
Setting Pricing for your Customers and Sub-Resellers for Reseller Linux Hosting
Setting Pricing for your Customers and Sub-Resellers for Reseller Windows Hosting
Setting Pricing for your Customers and Sub-Resellers for Enterprise Email Lite
When Specific Pricing is not set, then your Customer would get the best (lowest) pricing from amongst the Telescopic Pricing (for Domain Registration Product, Web Services Product, Single Domain Linux Hosting Product and Single Domain Windows Hosting Product), Pricing Bands for Sub-Resellers (for Web Services Product, Single Domain Linux Hosting Product and Single Domain Windows Hosting Product), pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Multi Domain Linux Hosting Product, pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Multi Domain Windows Hosting Product, pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Reseller Linux Hosting Product, pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Reseller Windows Hosting Product, pricing set for Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Enterprise Email Lite Product, and any ongoing Promotion Pricing (if applicable).
Setting Specific Pricing for your Customer / Sub-Reseller
Login to your Control Panel. See details
Search for the particular Customer / Sub-Reseller for whom you want to set Specific Pricing for any Product.
Additional Information -
Click the Customer / Sub-Reseller Name to proceed to the Order Information view.
Select the Product whose Pricing you wish to modify and click the Pricing button.
You will be presented with an interface from where you can view your Cost Price along with generic Pricing Slabs. You may refer these while setting the Specific Pricing for this Product for a Customer/Sub-Reseller.
Set the desired Pricing.
NoteYou may also choose to offer Specific Pricing to a Sub-Reseller for a particular period of time, only in case of the following Products:
Domain Registration
Web Services
Single Domain Linux Hosting
Single Domain Windows Hosting
Multi Domain Linux Hosting
Multi Domain Windows Hosting
Reseller Linux Hosting
Reseller Windows Hosting
Enterprise Email Lite
To set Specific Price Period for a Sub-Reseller (Anchor: period):
In the Specific Price Period interface, click the textbox under From and set the start date in the calendar that pops up. This date needs to be in the future. The Specific Pricing becomes applicable from 00:00:00 hours GMT/UTC on that day.
Click the textbox under To and set the end date in the calendar that pops up. This date needs to be on or after the start date. The Specific Pricing ceases to be effective from 23:59:59 hours GMT/UTC on that day.
Click the Set Specific Selling Price or Update button to save your changes.
The prime motive of setting Specific Pricing for a particular Customer or Sub-Reseller is to give him/her a lower pricing than the standard Pricing that he/she would have otherwise got.
You may even set the Specific Pricing to zero (0).
If you set the Domain Name Transfer price for .COM domain as 0 for a particular Customer, then that Customer would be able to Transfer .COM domain names for free.
When you set the Specific Pricing to zero (0), an Invoice is still raised for that Product/Service but its value is zero (0). This is done only from the perspective of recording the transaction. Your Customer/Sub-Reseller is never asked to pay for this Invoice.
The moment you remove the Specific Pricing for a particular Customer or Sub-Reseller, the Slab Price applicable to that Customer or Sub-Reseller based on their Total Receipts figure will immediately begin to apply.
The Total Receipts figure does not apply in case of:
Customers for the Domain Registration Product as Telescopic Pricing is applicable to them.
both Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Web Services Product, as Customers get charged based on Telescopic Pricing, while Sub-Resellers are charged as per Pricing Bands.
both Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Single Domain Linux Hosting Product, as Customers get charged based on Telescopic Pricing, while Sub-Resellers are charged as per Pricing Bands.
both Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Single Domain Windows Hosting Product, as Customers get charged based on Telescopic Pricing, while Sub-Resellers are charged as per Pricing Bands.
both Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Multi Domain Linux Hosting Product.
both Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Multi Domain Windows Hosting Product.
both Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Reseller Linux Hosting Product.
both Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Reseller Windows Hosting Product.
both Customers and Sub-Resellers for the Enterprise Email Lite Product.